August 10, 2018

Web development

Website development using HTML5, CSS (SASS) & JS (JQuery) React technologies for business owners. With customization and sensitivity to customer requests. Add hidden functions for personal use, effects to components, up to color and size. Develop database website ensuring strong optimization and functionality.

April 24, 2017

SemiPrime Brillant Numbers

In this project, I am using a web application that includes html, css and js.
The app will show interesting numbers. Almost a prime number and a brilliant numbers

The user will enter in the txtInput in the text box, any positive integer, And press one of the buttons.
all the near-primary and non-bright numbers in the range will be calculated between 1 and the number entered . The results will be JSON object.The Application logic was written within a module. To all end cases in entering incorrect input i use a sweetalerts and jquery scripts
Click on View code for the code link

April 22, 2017

Childhood memory

A Design dream calculator that meets all the conditions and operations Of an ancient calculator
I created two views of calculators one displayed to the user and the other hidden, for the programmer eyes only.
The user can see The first display, customized and designed to the customer's request. the programmer can see that behind the scenes a smart screen is stored in which all the screen operations are reserved.

April 18, 2016

Facebook statistics

An original idea, which receives the activities of Facebook users, coordinated with the computer clock and collected data to statistical tools.
–Use of Chrome Extension for Developers.

April 14, 2017

Database cloud - Angular App

`` Agile way of work and belief ``

development method based on Iterative, incremental releases Face-to-face collaboration Short feedback loops and adaption cycles Quality and value
Managing a database site for the Modi'in Illit Municipality as part of a third year project in software engineering. Transfer of Excel files and Documents for the municipality's Culture and Computing Division.
