August 10, 2018

Embedded Systems
Microchip development

Converts analog voltage to digital.
1) The program,receives analogue voltage in channel 0 and for voltages around 1.25v, change the LEDs and buzzer format.
2) The analog signal in the ADC unit via PA0 CHANNEL0 shows the measured voltage at the precision of a tenth of a volt to the LCD display

April 24, 2017

Assembly LCD

The program displays a clock on the LCD screen in the following format:HH: MM: SS
1. Main program showing the contents of the seconds register in the LEDs at a rate of one second One, the latency created using 1 Timer without interrupt.
2. Modify the program so that the timer entries are promoted using Timer1 interrupt.
3. Update the program to display the entire clock in the LCD display.

April 22, 2017

Calculate mathematical

1. Calculate mathematical action of two numbers received by the keyboard and display the complete exercise in the LCD display
2. FSR - indirect funding. the program receives a sequence of numbers from the keyboard, and stores them in the starting memory. The program receive numbers until you press '#', which will mark the end of 0x110 from the reception step. After the input is completed, the program will display the numbers recorded in memory one after the other (in the order they were received) at a rate of one second between the LED numbers. After displaying all the numbers in the memory, the program will return to receive a new sequence of numbers.