April 25, 2017

C/C++ programing

Virtual Memory Management simulator

Written in C, this program simulates the operating systems ram management. Illustrated I/O operations during "program" runtime using the swap file, Page table and the physical memory. The implementation was written according to the theory that was learned at the academy

April 24, 2017

Linux Shell

Read Parse and execute the command from standard input Supports the standard operations of the real shell for example: Print the contents of its files, counts a few lines in the input, and the realization of SIGNALS Request to run background command. PIPE, redirection by routing the STDOUT of the command to the STDIN followed. Used pipes and forking.

April 22, 2017

HTTP programs

Written in C. The client program can send http requests according to a given URL, and print back the received response. The Server was implemented using threadpool for non-blocking method. The sever could handle http requests, allowing viewing folder contents in HTML format, download files simultaneously and handle with request errors. During this implementation I used the TCP protocol, threads, pipes, signals and mutex locks for handling with shared memory access.

April 18, 2017

Merge Sorting by

Written in C,Implement the merge sorting algorithm - distributed (in parallel) using divide threads that use the merge-sort idea - to solve a "big" problem, sorted recursively by solving "small" problems (sorting arrays) smaller threads). As is known, the time complexity of the merge sorting array is o (nlogn). In general The app was a client – server design. The server calculated clients request using 4 threads. Shared memory and signals were used for communication.

April 14, 2017

Dynamic memory

Written in C++ Using dynamic memory to build an effective memory repository. The realization is made With reference to the end cases "the null matrix's data structure" - which identifies empty storage locations and thus saves memory. The basis for this was a mathematical matrix